Become a Member
To qualify as a voting member of Calle 24, you must:
Participate in Calle 24 by:
owning or managing a business, school, or nonprofit organization located in the Latino Cultural District, or
living in the Latino Cultural District, or volunteering on one of the Calle 24 committees, or
volunteering for one of the events held in the Latino Cultural District and endorsed by Calle 24, such as but not limited to Carnaval, Cesar Chavez Holiday Commemoration, or Dia de Los Muertos), or
volunteering with one of the nonprofits located in the Latino Cultural District; and
Support the mission and vision of the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District; and
Reflect Calle 24 constituencies; and
Adhere to Calle 24’s code of good conduct, when it is developed (none as of the date below); and
Be current on membership dues, if any are in effect (none as of the date below); or
Be recognized by the Calle 24 Council as having made an important historical contribution to the Latino Cultural District’s mission and vision