Meet Our Community
Our businesses are the touchstone of Calle 24 and the Latino Cultural District. Many of our businesses and non-profits have been anchors to the wealth of culture, food, and character of Calle 24. It is important to strengthen, assist and maintain these small family businesses for the future.
Through our advocacy and partnership with then Supervisor Davis Campos we were able to establish The Legacy Business Program which provides financial and legal assistance for businesses that have been open for more than 30 years. Businesses such as Casa Sanchez, La Victoria Bakery, La Reyna Bakery, La Argentina, La Palma, El Nuevo Fruitilandia, and La Gallinita continue to anchor the corridor — and have for over 50 years.
Currently, many of these businesses are continuing the family tradition with the 2nd and 3rd generations taking the helm. As rents and costs of doing business in the city rise, we must find ways to respond to a rapidly changing climate, and support our merchants. Through our partnership with Invest in Neighborhoods through the SF Office of Economic and Workforce Development, we provide business strengthening programs and services.